On 17/06/14 19:43, st...@linuxsuite.org wrote:
>  Howdy!
>           I have a problem getting lilypond to draw the correct glissando
> line...
>         Here is  a pdf and lilypond source file
>         http://gooeytar.com/projects/test/test.pdf
>         http://gooeytar.com/projects/test/test.ly
>       and another attempt
>         http://gooeytar.com/projects/test/test2.pdf
>         http://gooeytar.com/projects/test/test2.ly
>         I want the glissando line to go from   fis - > a  and from dis -> fis
>         but instead of dis -> fis I get a-> fis ???
>            Ideas?
>         here is a sample lilypond source
> \version "2.18.0"
> global = {
>   \time 3/4
>   \key e \major
>   \clef "G_8"
> }
>  voiceone = \relative c' {
>     a''4 < b,, dis a > dis16 a fis' dis |
>     a'4 < dis,, a' b > a'16 fis b( a) |
>     dis4 < fis, a dis >
>     <<
>       \new Voice \voiceOne { \afterGrace fis4 \glissando a8 }
>       \new Voice \voiceTwo { \stemUp a4 }
>       \new Voice \voiceThree { \afterGrace dis4 \glissando fis8 }
>     >>
>     < a, fis' >4 < gis e' >
>  }
>  voicetwo = \relative c {
>     r4 < b dis > r |
>     r4 b b |
>     r4 b b |
>     e,2
>  }
>   guitar = << \voiceone \\ \voicetwo >>
>     \score {
>         \new Staff { << \global \guitar >> }
>         \layout { }
>    }

I changed the

      \new Voice \voiceOne { \afterGrace fis4 \glissando a8 }
      \new Voice \voiceTwo { \stemUp a4 }
      \new Voice \voiceThree { \afterGrace dis4 \glissando fis8 }


    <<  \afterGrace dis'4 \glissando fis8 \\ \stemUp a,4 \\ \afterGrace
fis4 \glissando a8 >>

and I get the correct glissandoes but I also get a warning:

....warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns
      a, fis' >4 < gis e' >
new file.ly:13:21: warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns
    <<  \afterGrace
                    dis'4 \glissando fis8 \\ \stemUp a,4 \\ \afterGrace
fis4 \glissando a8 >>

So it's something to do with that construction but I cannot tell you why.

If that helps?


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