Omer Katzir <> writes:

> OK, so now that I tried it, I still need some changes to optimize it like I’m 
> writing on paper.
> as I’m not a master in Lilypond (yet) I will have to ask the hive mind again
> Basically I use two staves, one for bass one for the upper voices (usually 
> two). Now, I tried to add a staff in the example you sent me, both by 
> creating new staff group below the low tab staff and by just adding
>   \new staff {
>       \clef “bass”
> <<\low>>
> }
> I got errors all over the place, I can paste if really needed, but it
> seems like I’m just missing something,

If you are "just missing something", pointing it out when you actually
give the example that does not work instead of hinting at it would be
much easier.

However, the short quote above contains several errors.  You write staff
instead of Staff, you use “” quote marks (symmetric) instead of ""
(straight double).  And the placement of \low in a simultaneous music
construct looks somewhat fishy though it will probably work as \low is
the only "simultaneous" music in it.

> I guess I’m getting confused because i’m pretty much a nub when it
> comes to advance tactics.

Copy and paste or even just careful retyping are not all that advanced
tactics.  Computers are picky.

David Kastrup

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