Hi Urs,

as David mentioned, there are solutions on the list. And in LSR you find:

And some time ago somebody posted the solution for multi-measure-rests ... I am ashamed, that I forgot to note the name - I use it quite often.
You can either use
\layout { \mergeRests }
{ \mergeRestsOn \music \mergeRestsOff }

Best, Jan-Peter

Am 20.06.14 12:08, schrieb Urs Liska:
Hi all,

how could I determine if at any given point in time there is another event in another voice or not. Concretely: If I have a certain rest, can I know if another rest of the same length is in another voice?

I would like to explore the idea of having a command like


which would take care of setting \voiceOne in one voice and \once\omit in the other voice(s) to make that typical kind of notation more straightforward to use. I find it slightly embarassing that we have to do that manually for each instance.


lilypond-user mailing list

\version "2.18.2"

#(define (rest-score r)
  (let ((score 0)
        (yoff (ly:grob-property-data r 'Y-offset))
        (sp (ly:grob-property-data r 'staff-position)))
    (if (number? yoff)
        (set! score (+ score 2))
        (if (eq? yoff 'calculation-in-progress)
            (set! score (- score 3))))
    (and (number? sp)
         (<= 0 2 sp)
         (set! score (+ score 2))
         (set! score (- score (abs (- 1 sp)))))

#(define (merge-rests-on-positioning grob)
  (let* ((can-merge #f)
         (elts (ly:grob-object grob 'elements))
         (num-elts (and (ly:grob-array? elts)
                        (ly:grob-array-length elts)))
         (two-voice? (= num-elts 2)))
    (if two-voice?
        (let* ((v1-grob (ly:grob-array-ref elts 0))
               (v2-grob (ly:grob-array-ref elts 1))
               (v1-rest (ly:grob-object v1-grob 'rest))
               (v2-rest (ly:grob-object v2-grob 'rest)))
           (ly:grob? v1-rest)
           (ly:grob? v2-rest)
           (let* ((v1-duration-log (ly:grob-property v1-rest 'duration-log))
                  (v2-duration-log (ly:grob-property v2-rest 'duration-log))
                  (v1-dot (ly:grob-object v1-rest 'dot))
                  (v2-dot (ly:grob-object v2-rest 'dot))
                  (v1-dot-count (and (ly:grob? v1-dot)
                                     (ly:grob-property v1-dot 'dot-count -1)))
                  (v2-dot-count (and (ly:grob? v2-dot)
                                     (ly:grob-property v2-dot 'dot-count -1))))
             (set! can-merge
                    (number? v1-duration-log)
                    (number? v2-duration-log)
                    (= v1-duration-log v2-duration-log)
                    (eq? v1-dot-count v2-dot-count)))
             (if can-merge
                 ;; keep the rest that looks best:
                 (let* ((keep-v1? (>= (rest-score v1-rest)
                                      (rest-score v2-rest)))
                        (rest-to-keep (if keep-v1? v1-rest v2-rest))
                        (dot-to-kill (if keep-v1? v2-dot v1-dot)))
                   ;; uncomment if you're curious of which rest was chosen:
                   ;;(ly:grob-set-property! v1-rest 'color green)
                   ;;(ly:grob-set-property! v2-rest 'color blue)
                   (ly:grob-suicide! (if keep-v1? v2-rest v1-rest))
                   (if (ly:grob? dot-to-kill)
                       (ly:grob-suicide! dot-to-kill))
                   (ly:grob-set-property! rest-to-keep 'direction 0)
                   (ly:rest::y-offset-callback rest-to-keep)))))))
    (if can-merge
        (ly:rest-collision::calc-positioning-done grob))))

#(define merge-multi-measure-rests-on-Y-offset
  ;; Call this to get the 'Y-offset of a MultiMeasureRest.
  ;; It keeps track of other MultiMeasureRests in the same NonMusicalPaperColumn
  ;; and StaffSymbol. If two are found, delete one and return 1 for Y-offset of
  ;; the other one.
  (let ((table (make-weak-key-hash-table)))
    (lambda (grob)
      (let* ((ssymb (ly:grob-object grob 'staff-symbol))
             (nmcol (ly:grob-parent grob X))
             (ssymb-hash (or (hash-ref table ssymb)
                             (hash-set! table ssymb (make-hash-table))))
             (othergrob (hash-ref ssymb-hash nmcol)))
        (if (ly:grob? othergrob)
             ;; Found the other grob in this staff/column,
             ;; delete it and move ours.
             (ly:grob-suicide! othergrob)
             (hash-remove! ssymb-hash nmcol)
             1) ; was 0
             ;; Just save this grob and return the default value.
             (hash-set! ssymb-hash nmcol grob)
             (ly:staff-symbol-referencer::callback grob)))))))

#(define-public mergeRestsOn #{
  \override Staff.RestCollision #'positioning-done = #merge-rests-on-positioning
  \override Staff.MultiMeasureRest #'Y-offset = 
#(define-public mergeRestsOff #{
  \revert Staff.RestCollision #'positioning-done
  \revert Staff.MultiMeasureRest #'Y-offset
#(define-public mergeRests #{ \layout {
  \context {
    \override RestCollision #'positioning-done = #merge-rests-on-positioning
    \override MultiMeasureRest #'Y-offset = 
  } #})

%%%% Test
\layout {
  \relative c'' {
    bes4 a r c r b
  } \\
  \relative c' {
    d4 e f g r d
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