Hi to all who have any contact with the openlilylib snippets repository on Github,

we have renamed the repository from [openlilylib/]snippets to [openlilylib/]openlilylib, for two reasons:

- I have always felt uneasy about the name clash
  with the official LilyPond Snippet Repository, the LSR.
- Actually this repository is less a collection of snippets
  but more a library, and we encourage its use as an
  includable library.
  The name openlilylib (or originally: openLilyLib) was
  originally intended to refer to this repository, only
  over time it became clear that there would be more
  independent repositories under the roof of the
  openlilylib "organization".

According to Github help renaming a repo should not break anything because git fetch, git pull, git clone etc. are redirected automatically. Nevertheless we strongly advise anybody who is using this repository to update to the new location.

- Home: https://github.com/openlilylib/openlilylib
- Clone URL: https://github.com/openlilylib/openlilylib.git
  or g...@github.com:openlilylib/openlilylib.git

Change your "origin" or "upstream" remote to point to the new URL.
I'm not completely sure about forks. So if you have forked the "snippets" repository please check for yourself or get back to Janek or me directly so we can sort it out manually. (BTW: Those who have forked the repository but are by now in the team of the main repo should consider dropping their fork at this occasion).

I also suggest to rename the local directory name accordingly and update any set-up you have done for it (wrapper scripts, Frescobaldi settings).


Urs Liska

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