Hi all,

despite the fact that I absolutely can't afford it I have started writing some stuff for a new openlilylib. As it turned out we won't have a script to (only) generate documentation for the library but rather a tool that can

- generate HTML documentation for the library
- browse the library by snippet name, category, tag, author (and possibly more options in the future) - display documentation for a selected snippet (built on-the-fly from the actual snippet)

That's what I started to implement, you can have an impression from the screenshot:

In addition one will be able to use the tool to _edit_ snippet metadata, e.g. by selecting tags from existing ones etc. and having instant feedback from the generated documentation page.

As this implies that the whole documentation for openlilylib will be built from the snippets themselves there will be some restrictions to the coding conventions. These will have to be updated during the reorganization. For example any free-form comments will be discarded, so everything has to go into explicit fields. On the other hand I find it nice that you can now see how for example the "snippet-description" will turn out in the documentation page, so this will be an incentive to write better headers for new and existing snippets.

There is still a long way to go, but I think we have a great start. And I would like to ask anybody who is willing and able for assistance. If more people help working on this we will reach something beautiful earlier ;-) The program itself is a PyQt application (like Frescobaldi), but there is significant headroom for help in the HTML/CSS part and for general discussion. One particular topic I would appreciate someone to look into is integrating the ly-music module from Frescobaldi, initially at least to provide formatted LilyPond listings in the tool and in the generated HTML docs.

Anybody who wants to have a look is encouraged to (git) checkout the reorganization or the doc-script branch from the openlilylib repo.


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