On 24 Jul 2014, at 09:02, Abel Cheung <abelche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 7:02 AM, Hans Aberg <haber...@telia.com> wrote:
>> This is a fix in both variations of placing the grace notes. The reason for 
>> putting them inside the triplet is quite subtle: I want them to be possible 
>> to expand to 1/32 notes, and having them outside makes the first tuplet 1/8 
>> note too short. It looks better though having them outside.
> The only important factor you want to decide putting grace notes
> inside / outside tuplet is, whether tuplet bracket should enclose the
> grace notes.

Right. Putting them inside the brackets look a bit weird, but I felt it was a 
bit more musically correct.

> For the duration of grace notes, you can use
> \scaleDurations to scale them down to the length you want [1] .

I didn’t know that. It is tradition that by default refer to being played at 
half the value indicated, so perhaps the might be an implicit in 
\scaleDurations 1/2 into \grace.

> About settings disturbed by grace note, it seems that's a well known
> issue not going to be fixed. Settings are applied to real notes
> afterwards but not during grace notes.

Good to know that it is a known issue.

> \partial spacer plus invisible
> bar might be the workaround you want.

I tried that, but then one gets a bar.

> If grace notes can stay out of tuplet bracket, in practice I found
> \afterGrace attaching with \partial spacer looking much nicer than
> \grace attaching with note afterwards.

But then the notes appear to the note before, and before the measure bar, which 
is a different performance style, which is a good suggestion to give, because I 
have a case where it might be used.

> [1] See the Known issues of Grace Note section of
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/special-rhythmic-concerns

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