Hi Jan-Peter,

> I think the most complicated part is addressing multiple voices in one Staff.
> propably there are more things to modify to make it more intuitive.

I think the stated problem would be solved *AND* the whole machinery made more 
intuitive by allowing a context to be “direct addressed”, i.e., the context

    \new Staff = “MyStaff” \someMusic

would be mod-ed using something like

    \editionMod ThisEdition 1 0/4 APiece.MyStaff \override …

as opposed to

    \editionMod ThisEdition 1 0/4 APiece.Staff.B \override …

It seems like a very small change — and might mess up your “templating” 
system(s) — but three obvious and immediate benefits are: the ability to move 
contexts within the score block without having to recode the edition; the 
ability to change the type of context without recoding the edition; and the 
ability to quickly cross-reference a mod with its context (i.e., no need to 
“count” contexts).

Consider it?


Kieren MacMillan, composer
www:  <http://www.kierenmacmillan.info>
email:  i...@kierenmacmillan.info
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