
2014-07-28 22:51 GMT+02:00 David Nalesnik <david.nales...@gmail.com>:
> What is potentially confusing (and you see how badly I've been confused) is
> that the default setting of X-offset has changed.

I'm not sure if i understand.  You mean that default X-offset values
for DynamicTexts changed, or that DynamicText.X-offset uses a
different callback now?

> I'm used to the old behavior
> \override DynamicText.X-offset =
> #ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self
> gets it back.

It doesn't, actually.  I mean,

  \override DynamicText.X-offset =
  \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
  \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
  \override DynamicText.self-alignment-X = #CENTER

will produce different output before and after my patch.  That's
because before my patch DynamicTexts' position was calculated from
x-aligned-on-self AND centered-on-x-parent, in a way that was opaque
and not configurable by the user.  Of course, it's possible to mimic
old behaviour.

> I think that this should be made clear in the documentation, if you haven't
> already done this!

Yes, i should do this (or maybe some doc editor would like to help me?
I would prefer to focus on making further changes in the code).


PS i may not be able to reply again until tomorrow evening (~18 UTC).
I found that it's harder for me to focus on my day job when i read
LilyPond email in the morning, especially in case of emotionally
involving topics like this one.

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