Just to deliver the solution to my problem, find the working example code I have worked out to redefine every chord (for guitar or mandolin or ...) to whatever notes one likes. (But take care - there is no instance to check it for melodic correctness!)

The key and source of my was the line
\set Staff.stringTunings = #mandolin-tuning
in the \context FretBoards { }

If it is missing lilypond will always use 6 strings - obviously a preset? I thought the line
\include "predefined-mandolin-fretboards.ly"
will do it - obviously I was wrong.

In the given example code I demonstrate some errors just to demonstrate the users power. 1st bes7.13 is defindet with 5 arguments - will not fit to the 4 strings of the mandolin.
2nd d9 is never g-d-a-e, but you can do it.

So, you have absolute power over your chord definitions.
(There are given some other possibilitys for to redfine chords in the manual. I think mine is simpler and more logic at least for me. Som users may disagree - no problem, do it as you like it!)

Regards BB


\version "2.18.0"

\include "predefined-mandolin-fretboards.ly"

\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table

\chordmode {bes:7.13}





% example with to many arguments!


% hang over the strings

\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table

\chordmode {a:m7}





\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table

\chordmode {d:9}

% "wrong" just to demonstrate the

% absolute power to redefine every chord



theChords = \chordmode {

\set majorSevenSymbol = \markup { maj7 }


a2:m7 d2:9


staffMelody = {

\key e \minor

\times 2/3 {e'8 fis'8 g'8}



\score {


\context ChordNames {

\theChords }

\context FretBoards {

*\set Staff.stringTunings = #mandolin-tuning*

\theChords }

\new Staff \with {

\consists "Volta_engraver"



\context Voice = "voiceMelody" { \staffMelody }



\layout {

\context {


\remove "Volta_engraver"




On 29.07.2014 05:50, David Kastrup wrote:
BB <bb-543...@versanet.de> writes:

Sorry, I reduced the code too much! I started with the following code
trying to redefine a fretboard:

\version "2.18.0"


\chordmode {a:m7}





That's just gibberish.  What documentation are you working from?

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