2014-08-10 10:25 GMT+02:00 Richard Shann <rich...@rshann.plus.com>:
> I hadn't realized that I had stumbled into an area of live development -
> thanks for making me aware of what is going on. Reflecting on things, I
> thought I should anyway develop a general-purpose interface for people
> to place an ornament with an accidental above/and or below all nicely
> centered. I got as far as the following example, which may simply
> reflect an inadequate understanding of the docs, or may be of interest
> to those working on the alignment of markup and notes:
> \version "2.18.0"
> {
>    a''  ^\markup {\center-column {\tiny \sharp \musicglyph #"scripts.turn" 
> \tiny \flat}}
>    a''  -\tweak baseline-skip #2  ^\markup {\center-column {\tiny \sharp 
> \musicglyph #"scripts.turn" \tiny \flat}}
>    a''  -\tweak baseline-skip #0  ^\markup {\center-column {\tiny \sharp 
> \musicglyph #"scripts.turn" \tiny \flat}}
> }
> I imagined the tweak would take control of the line spacing in the
> markup


> (and from the lowest line to the note),

Why should it work so?  baseline-skip is a markup property and it
works inside the markup.
For changing distance between TextScript and the notes, try changing
TextScript's padding property.

> which the first two lines
> seem to confirm; varying the value passed to baseline skip as in the
> third line does not seem to do anything useful.

But it does: in the last example the sharp is closer to the turn than
in the second one.  It's just that setting baseline-skip below some
value has no effect because LilyPond will not allow collisions between


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