No ideas anybody?

I'm desparately hoping for a solution while being quite hopeless finding one on my own ...


Am 06.09.2014 12:19, schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 06.09.2014 11:43, schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 06.09.2014 00:40, schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 06.09.2014 00:36, schrieb Urs Liska:
Hi all,

I'm looking for a solution to conditionally include a file if it exists


Well, the question is real, but of course I intended to add more to it ...

The idea is to include a file with a number of music variables and then include files that contain one music variable each, overriding one variable from the first included file. So if no file is included the (empty) variable from the first file is used, otherwise the individual variable from the single file.


A first approach may point in a direction, although it doesn't work at all.

please consider the attached files: tries to include 01 through

#(ly:parser-parse-string (ly:parser-clone parser) "\\include \"01.ily\""))
(an approach that worked successfully in another situation).

But obviously it doesn't understand the content of 01.ily, as I get

01.ily:4:3 <0>: error: unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode

c d e f g

errors (and subsequently one more for each of the notes).

So how can I include a file containing music variables through Scheme (in order to generate the filenames to be included programatically)?


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