Mfr. Payne,


Thank you for your response. Yes, the third measure was missing. It has been
restored to both examples that are attached. Hope this helps finding my


Thank you for your kind attention.




[] On Behalf Of
Nick Payne
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: overlapping staves


On 09/09/14 12:11, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:



The attached file, overlap.pdf, shows the first 13 measures of a piano
score. The staves overlap.

By experimentation, if the first two measure are eliminated the overlap does
not occur, NoOverLap.pdf.


Since the snippets would not met the requirement for being "small," they
were not included.


Would someone give me a suggestion as to what I should examine
(documentation?) to find the cause?

Can't help you with that - seeing the ly source would help - but as an
aside, you appear to have omitted engraving bar 3 of the sonata.

\version "2.18.0"

\header {
  title = "Sonata 479"
  composer = "D. Scarlatti"
  opus = "K. 6"

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "upper"
    \relative c'' {
      \clef treble
      \key f \major
      \time 3/8
      \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
      \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
      f8 f f |
      f4\trill f8 |
      \times 2/3 {
                  a16 ( [ g f ] ) e ( [ d c ] ) 
                  bes ( [ a g ] ) |
                  a ( [ g f ] ) e ( [ d c ] )
                  \change Staff = "lower"
                  bes ( [ a g ] ) } |
      \times 2/3 { a16 ( [ g f ] ) e ( d c ) bes ( [ a g ] ) } |
      \change Staff = "upper"
      \times 2/3 { a''16 bes c } ees4\trill
      \times 2/3 { d16 c bes } bes4\trill |
      \times 2/3 { bes16 c d } f8. [ ees32 d ] |
      \times 2/3 { c16 bes a } a4\trill 
      \times 2/3 { a16 [ bes c ] } f8 \times 2/3 { b,16 [ c d ] } |
      g8 \times 2/3 { c,16 [ d e ] } a8 |

 \new Staff = "lower"
    \relative c {
      \clef bass
      \key f \major
      \time 3/8
      \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
      \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
      \change Staff = "upper"
      f'8 a c | a4_\trill a8
      f8 f f |
      \change Staff = "lower"
      f, f f |
      f, f f | s4. | 
      < f' c' >8 q q |
      < f bes d > q q | q q q |
      < f c' f > q q | 
      \change Staff = "upper"
      f'8 \times 2/3 { d16 [ e f ] } g8 |
      \times 2/3 { e16 [ f g ] } a8 \times 2/3 { f16 [ g a ] } |

\version "2.18.0"

\header {
  title = "Sonata 479"
  composer = "D. Scarlatti"
  opus = "K. 6"

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "upper"
    \relative c'' {
      \clef treble
      \key f \major
      \time 3/8
      \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
      \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
      f,8 a c | f c' a |
      f8 f f |
      f4\trill f8 |
      \times 2/3 {
                  a16 ( [ g f ] ) e ( [ d c ] ) 
                  bes ( [ a g ] ) |
                  a ( [ g f ] ) e ( [ d c ] )
                  \change Staff = "lower"
                  bes ( [ a g ] ) } |
      \times 2/3 { a16 ( [ g f ] ) e ( d c ) bes ( [ a g ] ) } |
      \change Staff = "upper"
      \times 2/3 { a''16 bes c } ees4\trill
      \times 2/3 { d16 c bes } bes4\trill |
      \times 2/3 { bes16 c d } f8. [ ees32 d ] |
      \times 2/3 { c16 bes a } a4\trill 
      \times 2/3 { a16 [ bes c ] } f8 \times 2/3 { b,16 [ c d ] } |
      g8 \times 2/3 { c,16 [ d e ] } a8 |

 \new Staff = "lower"
    \relative c {
      \clef bass
      \key f \major
      \time 3/8
      \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
      \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
      f,8 a c | f a c |
      \change Staff = "upper"
      f8 a c | a4_\trill a8
      f8 f f |
      \change Staff = "lower"
      f, f f |
      f, f f | s4. | 
      < f' c' >8 q q |
      < f bes d > q q | q q q |
      < f c' f > q q | 
      \change Staff = "upper"
      f'8 \times 2/3 { d16 [ e f ] } g8 |
      \times 2/3 { e16 [ f g ] } a8 \times 2/3 { f16 [ g a ] } |

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