Hello David,
Am 14.09.2014 um 18:58 schrieb David Bellows:
In the following code Lilypond correctly creates the tie to the note
even when it's left out (a tie just to a duration):
\version "2.19.13"
\new Staff {d4~ 16}
But if you try to do this with a rest:
\version "2.19.13"
\new Staff {r4~ 16}
It prints a note (middle C) instead of that second rest.
I also encountered that behaviour some days ago and if you look at how
things work internally, then it’s only natural:
\version "2.19"
\void \displayMusic { 4 }
and you’ll see that the standalone duration creates a NoteEvent with
only a duration property, pitch being undefined. In a RhythmicStaff, it
won’t need a pitch, whereas in a normal Staff it will inherit the pitch
of the previous _NoteEvent_ (or use the ‘default’ pitch, middle C:
#(ly:make-pitch 0 0)). So it will ignore any intermediate RestEvents
being of a different type altogether.
So I think you’ll have to work with that.
HTH, Simon
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