Thanks Gentlemen,

The 'old' version I'm using is probably the culprit. The syntax you guys
suggested works fine.

I'm using Ubuntu. It looks like the version in the standard Ubuntu
repositories is still 2.16.
I'm starting with it now and playing with music for my mens choir.
Any important things I'll be missing out on 2.16 ?
There is a PPA so I could upgrade quite easily, if necessary,

Thanks  Markus

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 9:13 PM, Urs Liska <> wrote:

>  Your problem comes from the fact that you use a syntax for a newer
> version of LilyPond.
> I suggest that you either update to LilyPond 2.18.2 (preferable) or have a
> look at the documentation for 2.16 at
> The dot-notation was introduced in 2.18, previously you had to write
> \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility ...
> (although I don't know if there have been other changes in that
> break-visibility stuff as well.)
> Urs
> Am 16.09.2014 21:08, schrieb Markus Baertschi:
> I'm trying to get bar numbers on every second bar get syntax error from
> stuff straight out of the documentation.
> /tmp/frescobaldi-qhLT9N/tmpOW4D8u/ error: syntax
> error, unexpected '.', expecting SCM_FUNCTION or SCM_IDENTIFIER or
> \override Score.BarNumber
>       .break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
> Unfortunately I have absolutely no idea where to look for a solution. I'm
> sure it is something very basic.
>  Here the entire file:
>  ​\version "2.16.2"
> \header {
> title = "Le Vieux Chalet"
> composer = "Joseph Bovet"
> poet = "Joseph Bovet"
> tagline = \markup {
> Engraved at
> \simple #(strftime "%Y-%m-%d" (localtime (current-time)))
> with \with-url #"";
> \line { LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( }
> % from \sourcefilename
> }
> }
> \score {
> <<
> \new Staff = "Tenor" <<
> \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand"
> \set Staff.instrumentName = "Tenor"
> \time 3/4 \key g \major
> \partial 4
> \relative c'
>  \new Voice = "Tenor 1" {
>  \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t)
> % \set Score.currentBarNumber = #21
> % % Permit first bar number to be printed
> % \bar ""
> \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 2)
> \voiceOne
> % Tenor 1
> d4
> \repeat volta 2 { d'4. c8 b8. c16 b4 a d, d'8. c16 b4 a4 }
> \alternative { { g2 d4 } { g2 g4 } }
> a4. b8 g a | b4. c8 a b | c4. d8 b c | d2 g,4 |
> e'4. d8 c b | a8.( b16) a4 a | d8. c16 b4 a | g2
> }
> \addlyrics {
> La | haut sur la mon -- | ta -- gne l'é -- | tait un vieux cha -- |
> let. La | let. Murs |
> blancs, toit de bar -- | deaux, de -- vant la | porte un veux bou -- |
> leau. La |
> haut sur la mon -- | tag -- ne l'é -- | tait un vieux cha -- | let.
> }
> \new Voice = "Tenor 2" {
> \voiceTwo
> % Tenor 2
> d4 b'4. a8 g8. a16 g4 fis d g8. e16 g4 fis4
> g2 d4 g2 g4
> fis4. d8 e fis | g4. e8 fis g | a4. fis8 g a |
> g4 fis g | c4. b8 a g | fis8. g16 fis4 fis | g8. e16 d4 c | b2
> }
> >>
> \new Staff = "Bass" <<
> \set Staff.instrumentName = "Bass/Bar"
> \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic bass"
> \clef "bass" \key g \major
> \relative c
> \new Voice = "Bariton" {
> % Bariton
> \set Voice.midiInstrument = #"glockenspiel"
> \voiceThree
> d4 | d4. d8 d8. e16 | d4 d d | d8. e16 e4 d8 c |
> b2 d4 | b2 b8 d8 |
> d4. d8 d d | d4. d8 d d | d4. d8 d d | d2 g4 |
> g4. fis8 e d | e4 e d | d8. e16 d4 d8 c | b2
> }
> \relative c
> \new Voice = "Bass" {
> % Bass
> \voiceFour
> d4 | g,4. g8 g8. c16 | d4 d,4 d'8 c | b8. c16 e4 d,4 |
> g2 d'4 | g,2 g8 b8 |
> d4. d8 d d | d4. d8 d d | d4. d8 d d | g,2 g'4 |
> c,4. gis8 a b | c4 c c | b8. c16 d4 d,4 g2
>  }
> >>
> >>
> \layout {}
> \midi {
> \context {
> \Score
> tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 270 8)
> }
> }
> }
> ​
> --
> Markus Baertschi, Bas du Rossé 16, CH-1163, Etoy, Switzerland
>, ++41 (79) 403 1186 (mobile)
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*Markus Baertschi*, Bas du Rossé 16, CH-1163, Etoy, Switzerland, ++41 (79) 403 1186 (mobile)
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