>I am not top-posting

I am trying to figure out how measure position and measure length work 
so that I can change them to work properly with compound metres with 
appropriate bar lines, notes on bars split and tied etc.

Two issues I have are:
1) Where to place the function that prints measure position and measure 
length. By looking at a few snippets, I thought I would put an override 
on the NoteHead stencil as in the code below.

2) How to retrieve the measure position and length. Again, looking at a 
few snippets I came up with the code below.

As it would be obvious to the experts, the code is not working. It 
prints nothing. Can someone suggest what I should change?

\version "2.18.2"

myNoteHeadTry = 
#(lambda (grob)
   (let* (
           ;; bindings
           (measure-pos (ly:context-property grob 'measurePosition))
           (measure-len (ly:context-property grob 'measureLength))
     ;; body
     (format "Position ~a Length ~a ~%" measure-pos measure-len)
     (ly:text-interface::print grob)
\score {<<
  \compoundMeter #'((5 4) (2 4))
  \override NoteHead #`stencil = #myNoteHeadTry

  \relative c' { c d e f g2 a b c b a4 g f e d c}
\layout {
  {  \Voice 
     \remove Note_heads_engraver
     \consists Completion_heads_engraver}}

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