
Your snippet compiles without error message for me. I am using Lilypond
under Windows.
I notice that a space separates the two "e" from their "~." The space is not
between the two "b" and theirs.
Perhaps this is the source of the error message for you.


-----Original Message-----
From: lilypond-user-bounces+carsonmark=ca.rr....@gnu.org
[mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+carsonmark=ca.rr....@gnu.org] On Behalf Of
Eyolf Østrem
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2014 4:57 PM
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Tilde causes error message: "unrecognized string, not in text
script or \lyricmode"

If I try to run the following (either directly or as part of a score):

\relative c' {
\key e \minor
\time 4/4

r4 r8 e8 e fis g4 fis fis8 fis fis e dis e ~ e4 r8
e8 e fis g4 a a8 a a g a b~ b4 r8
b b b b4 c c8 c c b a b~ b4 r8
b8 b a g4  fis fis8 fis fis e dis e ~ e4 r8 }

I get the error message: "unrecognized string, not in text script or
\lyricmode" at the tildes in the first and last line. The "e"s after the
tildes do not get written out. The two "b~" work as expected, though, even
though everything but the pitches is the same as in the first line.
If I remove the tildes, everything works - except that I don't get the ties.

I'm running v. 2.18.2 under Arch Linux.


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