On Mon, 2014-10-13 at 14:47 +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
> Richard Shann <rich...@rshann.plus.com> writes:
> > On Sun, 2014-10-12 at 17:49 +0100, Richard Shann wrote:
> >> Perfect!
> >
> > hmm, I spoke a little too soon. It seems that \with-dimensions kills
> > point-and-click. Understandable with 0 as the dimension, but actually
> > this doesn't seem to be the issue:
> >
> > \version "2.18.0"
> >
> > \score { 
> >  {
> >   a1 
> >   ^\markup \with-dimensions #'(10 . -10) #'(10 . -10) 
> >   %\with-url #'"some link" 
> >   {\fontsize #12 A }
> >  }
> > } 
> >
> > with good-sized dimension here there is no point and click.
> They are not good-sized since the right edge is to left side of the left
> edge, and the lower edge is above the upper edge.

Thank you - switching order of the pairs gets something that works. The
 \with-dimensions x (pair of numbers) y (pair of numbers) arg (markup)

    Set the dimensions of arg to x and y.

If "dimensions" here is a LilyPond technical term defined elsewhere that
is ok, otherwise it perhaps should be

"Set the dimensions of the markup to be defined by coordinates of lower
left (x) and upper right (y) relative to the markup's reference point,
in staff spaces".

or whatever is actually correct here.


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