Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com> writes:

> 2014-10-17 0:58 GMT+02:00 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
>> Knute Snortum <ksnor...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> I have a situation I don't know how to deal with in LilyPond. I have
>>> bass clef and treble clef notes on the same staff. I guess one way to
>>> do it is to create a markup and a small bass clef sign and put it next
>>> to the treble clef (and incorrect) gf which looks like a tied bf from
>>> the bass clef in the first measure. I could make a temporary
>>> ossia-type staff to hold the bf pedal tone.
>>> Any other thoughts?
>> \new Staff \with { \accepts "Staff" }
>> {
>>   \partial 2
>>   \clef bass
>>   <<
>>     \new Voice
>>     { \voiceOne r8 \clef treble <as c' e' as'> <bes d' fis' bes'>
>>       <c' e' as' c''>~ q4 }
>>     \new Staff \with { createSpacing = ##f }
>>     { \voiceTwo bes,,2~
>>       \once\override Staff.CueClef.Y-offset = #-4 \cueClef bass
>>       bes,,2 }
>>   >>
>> }
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!  This really works! 8O
> LilyPond is awesome.  I knew it.

Well, to be honest, everything in the inner Staff will be equally
visible in the first Staff, so with growing complexity you'll probably
need to throw out more and more engravers from the inner Staff in order
to avoid duplicate typesetting.  I actually tried getting away with just
giving the second Voice a "Staff" alias and just putting the
engravers/settings needed for the separate staff in there, but this did
not work for some reason and threw the first voice/staff into bass clef
positions as well.

David Kastrup

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