Don Gingrich <gingrich <at>> writes:

> Partial works fine for the initial anacrusis, but if the piece has multiple
> parts, each with an anacrusis, the processor complains about the
> subsequent \partial directives. It also doesn't much like a \partial
> at the end of the section.
> I've tried just leaving them out, but the programmer in me does not
> like the warning messages that result.

>From what you wrote I see no problem, and in traditional music, 
I would expect you need only the \partial at the beginning of each tune,
because the meter continues unbroken within the peice.

So I am guessing that you might think that you need to use partial
whenever a visible measure is incomplete.   You can end repeats
and place barlines mid-measure whenever you like.

  \new ChordNames { s4 g2.*3 d2. s2 }
  \new Voice \transpose c c' { 
    \time 3/4 \partial 4 
    \repeat volta 2 { c'4 g2. g2. 
    g2 }
    b4 d2. d2 \bar "|." } >>

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