Am 20.10.2014 18:46, schrieb Phil Burfitt:
From: "Urs Liska" <>

Hi Urs,

Use the \voiceXXX commands...specifically \voiceOne and \voiceTwo in your case.

What do you mean, adding explicit voice numbers in the music expressions instead of using \partcombine? That wouldn't work, but of course I also need the music independently (it's actually what partcombine is meant for: instruments (like the flutes) that are combined in the score and individual in the parts.


\voiceXXX commands work in both implicit or explicit voices in \partcombine, but (and I suspect I didn't understand your needs here) will retain those \voiceXXX properties when printed as individual parts (probably what you don't want).

Yes, that's (unfortunately) correct.
I have (say) two flute parts that will be printed individually in parts. But in the score they should be combined (which is what \partcombine should be good for ...).

But for some reasons I have to enclose the flute parts in explicit voices, and this doesn't seem to work with \partcombine.

% fluteI

one = \relative c'' {
  c1 ~

two = \relative c'' {

fluteI = \new Voice {


the \new Voice construct is necessary to enable the tie in this example.

I have no clue if I can get out of this situation with real hassles. Therefore I asked if there's a way to "extract" the plain music expression out of \fluteI here.



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