Noeck wrote Sunday, November 02, 2014 12:46 AM

> That would be nice, but your example puts the f on the left of the upper
> note and not centralized between the staves (I am using 2.19.15).

You're right, Joram, \offset is not a solution.  In fact, it seems to point to
another problem with \offset.  In this example it prevents the dynamic
text being centered between the staves.  I don't understand why it should
have this effect.

\version "2.18.2"

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff { g-_ g c' }
  \new Dynamics {
    \once \offset X-offset -3 DynamicText 
    s\f s s\p
  \new Staff { \clef bass g'-_ g' g' }

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