I know this has been written about on the list before but the documentation has changed since then (I've checked pretty thoroughly).

I'm looking for a way to write a load of short free-form pieces with automatic line breaks (so candenzaOn is not useful since it requires manual breaks). I'd like to inhibit the Bar_engraver in all the pieces in one book/ly file, rather than write an override in each melody. So far the workaround I've found uses a variable with override that I do have to insert in each score, but at least I can use the variable for other purposes as well.

My minimal examples here show various scenarios I tried. If someone can confirm that it's all working as it's supposed to, then that's good to know, but I'd be really grateful if someone can also point me to where the documentation explains why removing the the Bar_engraver also removes the Clefs.

Many thanks,

\version "2.18.0"

thistest = {
\override Staff.BarLine.stencil = ##f

 \score {
   \relative c'{
  \repeat unfold 40 { c1 }
 \header {
piece = "Using variable override stencil keeps clef engraved with automatic breaks"

   \score {
  \relative c'{
   \repeat unfold 40 { c1 }
   \header {
 piece = "Using cadenzaOn with no breaks sends line off edge of page"

  \score {
   \relative c'{
   c c c c \break c c c c
   \header {
 piece = "Using cadenzaOn and break alone does not break the line"

  \score {
  \relative c'{
   c c c c \bar "" \break c c c c
   \header {
piece = "Using cadenzaOn with break after invisible bar does break line and engrave clef"

  \score {
          \layout  {
   \context { \Staff \remove Bar_engraver }
   \relative c'{
  \repeat unfold 40 { c1 }
  \header {
piece = "Removing bar engraver creates automatic break but no clef is engraved"

 \score {
         \layout  {
   \context { \Staff \remove Bar_engraver }
\relative c'{
   c c c c \break c c c c
   \header {
 piece = "Removing bar engraver also removes Clef even at added break"

  \score {
      \layout  {
   \context { \Staff \remove Bar_engraver }
 \relative c'{
   c c c c \bar "" \break c c c c
   \header {
piece = "Removing bar engraver also removes Clef even at added invisible bar plus break"


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