
That was what I found :-) But unless I'm mistaken, one must use those
directives for *every* time signature change. Thus if I have shifting
?/4 meters, every time the meter changes I have to add the directives
because each ?/4 meter requires a different beat grouping. I know I
can create a Variable and use those in place of time signatures. I was
hoping that there might be a more elegant way at a higher level that
didn't require as much work :-)

Thanks for your quick reply! It is appreciated.

Guy Stalnaker

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 5:13 PM, Phil Burfitt <> wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Guy Stalnaker" <>
> To: "lilypond-user Mailinglist" <>
> Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 10:39 PM
> Subject: Beaming on the quarter note
>> All,
>> I've done the search and found much of relevance, but nothing that
>> gives me what I want.
>> I'd like beaming restricted to quarter-note groups for all meters I
>> may use in a score (4/4, 3/4, 5/4, 6/4). I'm not using triple meters
>> in this work so such is irrelevant to my purpose.
>> What's happening is that the automatic beaming is beaming sets of 4
>> eighth-notes in 4/4 measures, and 6 eight-notes in 3/4 meaures if all
>> the notes in them are eighth-notes. This may be fine for
>> instrumentalists, but it is not fine for choral pieces where beaming
>> by beat pulse is my preference.
>> Is there a method short of manual beaming to tell Lilypond to group
>> beaming by quarter notes always no matter the ?/4 time?
>> Thanks,
>> Guy Stalnaker
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> Guy,
> Also, the beatStructure can be overidden in the \time command itself by
> supplying it as the optional first argument...
> hth.
> Phil.

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