Seems like I've got serious trouble with automatic line breaking. 
Hopefully it works this time. If not: see attachment.


\version "2.18.2"

forwardArrow = #(define-music-function (parser location color)
                  #{ % Cross-staff arrows are made using the VoiceFollower:
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.layer = #-5
                    % To have the arrow behind the staff, choose a value below
0 for the layer.
                    % If you want the arrows to cover the notes, choose a
value of 2 or more.
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.thickness = #'5    % line
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.color = #color
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.bound-details.left.padding =
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.bound-details.right.padding
= #5
                    % Padding can be adjusted to move arrow ends closer to the
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.bound-details.right.arrow =
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.breakable = ##t  % ##f
prevents line breaks within an arrow
                    % Arrows within the same staff use the Glissando spanner:
                    \once \override Glissando.layer = #-5
                    \once \override Glissando.thickness = #'5
                    \once \override Glissando.color = #color
                    \once \override Glissando.bound-details.left.padding = #4
                    \once \override Glissando.bound-details.right.padding = #5
                    \once \override Glissando.bound-details.right.arrow = ##t
                    \once \override Glissando.breakable = ##t

backwardArrow = #(define-music-function (parser location color)
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.layer = #-5
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.thickness = #'5    % line
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.color = #color
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.bound-details.left.padding =
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.bound-details.right.padding
= #5
                    % pretty much the same stuff, but arrow head at the left
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.bound-details.left.arrow =
                    \once \override VoiceFollower.breakable = ##t
                    \once \override Glissando.layer = #-5
                    \once \override Glissando.thickness = #'5
                    \once \override Glissando.color = #color
                    \once \override Glissando.bound-details.left.padding = #4
                    \once \override Glissando.bound-details.right.padding = #5
                    \once \override Glissando.bound-details.left.arrow = ##t %
same here...
                    \once \override Glissando.breakable = ##t

\relative c' {
    % Usage: place the arrow function call before the note, the glissando
statement after the note
    \new Staff = upper {c4 d e \backwardArrow #blue c \glissando    R1   R1  
R1   R1   R1   c4 d e c   e1 d c}
    \new Staff = middle {R1    c4 d e c   e8 d e f g f e c    d c d e f e f d 
  c1    R1    R1*4}
    \new Staff = lower
      {R1   R1    c4 d e \forwardArrow #blue c\glissando    R1   c4 d e c    d
c b2    R1*4}
      { % Cross-staff arrows use an additional voice with hidden notes between
        % To make these notes visible, uncomment the following line:
        %      \override NoteHead.color = #cyan \override NoteHead.layer = #2
        % and remove the following "\hideNotes" line:
        \set Voice.followVoice = ##t
        \change Staff = "upper"  c4 s2.
        % place the arrow function call immediately before the staff change:
        \backwardArrow #green
        \change Staff = "middle"  g4 s2.
        \forwardArrow #red
        \change Staff = "lower"  c4  s2.    s1    c4 s2.
        \forwardArrow #red
        \change Staff = "middle"  c4 s2.
        \forwardArrow #red
        \change Staff = "upper"  c4 s2.


Description: Binary data

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