2014-12-09 17:57 GMT+01:00 Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org>:

> Am 09.12.2014 17:47, schrieb Federico Bruni:
>  2014-12-09 17:38 GMT+01:00 Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org>:
>> Hi all,
>> if I produce scores that are to be printed on double-sided, folded sheets
>> (i.e. four A4 pages on one A3 sheet) I need to find a way to add empty
>> pages to the end of the score.
>> I have one bookpart with two pages of front matter, then comes the score.
>> Then I need that flexible amount of 0-3 empty pages,
>> finally I have a last bookpart for the back cover.
>> How can I determine the number of pages a score has and add an
>> appropriate number of pages to that?
>> (2 + 5 + N + 1) % 4 = 0
>> Examples:
>> Score has 5 pages: -> 0 empty pages necessary
>> Score has 7 pages: -> 2 empty pages necessary
>  You don't want to do this in LilyPond, right? If so, you already replied
> to yourself.
>  I did the same five years ago and the recommendation in this list was:
> work on A4 in LilyPond and use some external tool (can't remember which) to
> build the A3 pdf file. You already have the "pseudo code" to create that
> pdf.
> Well, I don't want to do the imposition from within LilyPond, but I'd like
> to produce the score files directly from within LilyPond without having to
> run them through LaTeX first.
> So I want to produce files with a number of pages that can be divided by
> four, and where the second-to-last page(s) are automatically inserted to
> make that possible.

This was the thread (4 years ago actually):

pdfnup or pdfbook (both in package texlive-extra-utils in debian)
some use adobe reader but I guess that you'll prefer command line tools
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