Pretty close.  Just a couple of comments:-

Full-bar rests can be written in general as R1*m/n where m/n is the 
time-signature, although for 6/8 you could write "R2.".

Because the chorus is in a separate Lyrics context it will appear below the 
verses if they occur on the same line.  Either make sure there's a break 
between the two or put the final words in the first context, after the first 
verse.  Or if you have more verses, into whichever one looks best.

Some of the bar checks in the lyrics give errors.  No point in using them if 
you ignore the warnings.

Otherwise, looks fine.  Lots of other structures will give equivalent results - 
use whatever works for you, there is no "correct" structure.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mike Kilmer 
  To: Trevor Daniels 
  Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 7:16 AM
  Subject: Re: Align Lyrics to Hidden Melody

  Very helpful. Thank you.

  I’m still finding it a bit confusing though. The following creates the pdf 
output I’m looking for. Is it basically correct syntax-wise?

  melody = \relative c' {
        \clef treble
        \key bes \major
        \repeat volta 2 {
        \time 6/8 e4. fis4 g8 | a4. g4 bes8 |
        \time 6/8
          \new Voice = "words" {
        r4 f4 d | r f f | r2. |% words go to this
        \alternative { 
           r2. |
           r2. |
        % CHORUS
        \new Voice = "chorus" {
        g4. a | bes g4 a8 | % words go here too, see?

      text = \lyricmode {
              \set stanza = #"1. "
              Words go | to this |
          \new Lyrics {
              \set associatedVoice = "words"
              \set stanza = #"2. " 
              More words | go here |

      chorus = \lyricmode {
          Words go | here too, see? |

      harmonies = \chordmode {
        e2.:m7.5- | bes |
        bes2. | g:m7 | f:7 |
        c:7/e |
        c4.:7 d:7 |
        g2.:m | g:m |

      \score {
          \new ChordNames {
            \set chordChanges = ##t
          \new Voice = "one" { \melody }
          \new Lyrics \lyricsto "words" \text
          \new Lyrics \lyricsto "chorus" \chorus
        \layout { }
        \midi { }

  On Dec 10, 2014, at 6:10 PM, Trevor Daniels <> wrote:

    Hi Mike

    Welcome! First, you need \hideNotes, not \hide.  Then the structure you 
have doesn't quite work.  It's usually easier to have all the lyrics contexts 
running from the start rather than starting them part way along - they'll get 
their position from the  notes.  Here's one way of doing it, but you'll find 
the stanza number doesn't quite fit.

    melody = \relative c' {
      \clef treble
      \key c \major
      \time 4/4
      c4 d e f | g f e d |
        \new Voice = "shown" {
          \relative c' { 
            c4 d c d | e f g2
        \new Voice = "hidden" {
          \hideNotes {                  % !!
            c'8 c d d c c d d | e f g2
    text =  \lyricmode {
       Here we have a | li -- tle si -- lly
    wordsOne = \lyricmode {
      \set stanza = #"1. "
      Si -- lly li -- tle | al -- pha -- bet

    wordsTwo = \lyricmode {
      \set stanza = #"2. " 
      Si -- ly li -- tle fu -- nny soun -- ding |
      Al -- pha -- bet song.

    \score {
        \new Voice = "one" { \melody }
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "shown" \wordsOne
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "hidden" \wordsTwo
      \layout { }
      \midi { }

      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Mike Kilmer
      Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 11:02 PM
      Subject: Align Lyrics to Hidden Melody

      I thnk I’m close, and posted on Stackoverflow, but can’t seem to get a 
hidden melody working to show alternate lyrics. The following just shows both 
voices and neither of the “associated” (or not) stanzas.

      melody = \relative c' {
            \clef treble
            \key c \major
            \time 4/4
            c4 d e f | g f e d |
           \new Voice = "shown" {
            \relative c' { 
            c4 d c d | e f g2
            \new Voice = "hidden" {
             \hide { 
            c'8 c d d c c d d | e f g2
          text =  \lyricmode {
             Here we have a | li -- tle si -- lly
                \set stanza = #"1. "
                Si -- lly li -- tle | al -- pha -- bet

              \new Lyrics {
                \set associatedVoice = "hidden"
                \set stanza = #"2. " 
                Si -- ly li -- tle fu -- nny soun -- ding |
                Al -- pha -- bet song.

          \score {
              \new Voice = "one" { \melody }
              \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text
            \layout { }
            \midi { }

      Some direction would be welcome (needless to say).

      (And WOW - what an amazing program.

      Mike Kilmer
      "the best twinning of Sexual/Ethical musical wisdom in contemporary 
jammage" - david berman


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