So, I'm trying out voices for the first time, switching a piece I had written using chords for single staff polyphony to using voices. In the process I have run into a couple of things I don't understand:

1) Some notes that don't collide (to my eye), are getting shifted as if they did. When the same pair of notes are set as a chord, there is no shift. Clearly there's a difference between what lilypond considers a collision between notes in separate voices and within a chord. Can some one explain that to me?

2) When simultaneous notes from separate voices have the same articulation, the articulation is printed twice (once for each note). Obviously, this is desirable behavior if the notes are articulated differently, but is there some way for simultaneous identical articulations to be printed only once? The identical articulations tend to make the notes look crowded.

Below is a snippet which creates two staffs showing examples of my confusions: the first is my test using voices, the second is the same music typeset using chords.

\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"

mel = {bflat'2 bflat'4^- a'^- a'^-}
harm = {g'2 g'4^- c'^- f'^-}
chorded = {<g' bflat'>2 <g' bflat'>4^- <c' a'>^- <f' a'>^-}
global = { \key f \major
        \set Score.timing = ##f
        \omit Stem }

\new Staff \with {
        \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
        \new Voice = "melody" {\global \mel}
        \new Voice = "harmony" {\global \harm}

\new Staff \with {
        \remove "Time_signature_engraver"

Br. Samuel, OSB
(R. Padraic Springuel)


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