Hi Jaime,

On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 6:02 PM, Jaime E Oliver <jaime.oliv...@gmail.com>

> Hi everyone,
> I am not sure if this is a bug, or just improper use, but, when using a
> single grace note expression with two notes such as:
> \slashedGrace {a'32 a32}
> I get the expected result.
> But when I use two subsequent ones such as:
> \slashedGrace {a'32} \slashedGrace {a32}
> I get the wrong score representation.

There is no support (as far as I know) for slashed grace note groups.

There is a workaround, however.  Try this:

\version "2.19.15"

%%%%% A better slash snippet %%%

% The argument `ang' is the amount of slant, expressed in degrees.
% Stem-fraction is the distance between the point the slash crosses the stem
% and the notehead-end of the stem.  It is expressed as a number between 0
and 1.
% The argument `protrusion' is the extra distance the slash
% extends beyond its intersection with stem and beam

slash =
#(define-music-function (parser location ang stem-fraction protrusion)
   (number? number? number?)
   (remove-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'direction) ; necessary?
     \once \override Stem #'stencil =
     #(lambda (grob)
        (let* ((X-parent (ly:grob-parent grob X))
               (is-rest? (ly:grob? (ly:grob-object X-parent 'rest))))
          (if is-rest?
              (let* ((ang (degrees->radians ang))
                     ; We need the beam and its slope so that slash will
                     ; extend uniformly past the stem and the beam
                     (beam (ly:grob-object grob 'beam))
                     (beam-X-pos (ly:grob-property beam 'X-positions))
                     (beam-Y-pos (ly:grob-property beam 'positions))
                     (beam-slope (/ (- (cdr beam-Y-pos) (car beam-Y-pos))
                                   (- (cdr beam-X-pos) (car beam-X-pos))))
                     (beam-angle (atan beam-slope))
                     (stem-Y-ext (ly:grob-extent grob grob Y))
                     ; Stem.length is expressed in half staff-spaces
                     (stem-length (/ (ly:grob-property grob 'length) 2.0))
                     (dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
                     ; if stem points up. car represents segment of stem
                     ; closest to notehead; if down, cdr does
                     (stem-ref (if (= dir 1) (car stem-Y-ext) (cdr
                     (stem-segment (* stem-length stem-fraction))
                     ; Where does slash cross the stem?
                     (slash-stem-Y (+ stem-ref (* dir stem-segment)))
                     ; These are values for the portion of the slash that
                     ; intersects the beamed group.
                     (dx (/ (- stem-length stem-segment)
                           (- (tan ang) (* dir beam-slope))))
                     (dy (* (tan ang) dx))
                     ; Now, we add in the wings
                     (protrusion-dx (* (cos ang) protrusion))
                     (protrusion-dy (* (sin ang) protrusion))
                     (x1 (- protrusion-dx))
                     (y1 (- slash-stem-Y (* dir protrusion-dy)))
                     (x2 (+ dx protrusion-dx))
                     (y2 (+ slash-stem-Y
                           (* dir (+ dy protrusion-dy))))
                     (th (ly:staff-symbol-line-thickness grob))
                     (stil (ly:stem::print grob)))

                 (make-line-stencil th x1 y1 x2 y2))))))

\new Staff {
  \relative c'' {
    \grace {
      \slash 50 0.6 1.0 a'32 a
    d,4 d2

Code comes from the following discussion:

Hope this helps,
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