Hello all!

I’m just wondering whether it might be easy — and ultimately desireable — to 
have a built-in method of choosing which grobs get repeated and/or omitted 
during an unfold \repeat expression.

For example, in a string piece I’m currently writing, I have

    \repeat unfold 2 { b8( d') b8( d') b8\downbow d'--(\upbow a--) }

I’d like the bowing to show up only on the first repeat, so it would be great 
to have something like

    \set repeatOmitInterfaces = #’(text-script-interface)

Another oft-encountered use case would be

    \repeat unfold N { a4\pp a a a }

for which one currently must write

    a4\pp a a a \repeat unfold N-1 { a4 a a a }

Note that I know of the “create a variable with tagged content” option, and 
while it certainly has its place, it’s not nearly as user-friendly as the one 
I’m suggesting here.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
www:  <http://www.kierenmacmillan.info>
email:  i...@kierenmacmillan.info
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