On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 4:59 AM, Helge Kruse <helge.kr...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have an improvement request.
> The dynamic context has a lot of advantages. Most important it makes a
> uniform vertical position of all dynamics in a line. Unfortunately it
> doesn't behave with the horizontal spacing.
> The following example starts with a spacer rest measure. The \p in the
> second measure is placed as expected. But if the dynamic has more width
> it collides with the bar. This doesn't happen when I add the dynamic to
> the upper staff in the third measure. Here you can find a small space
> between the bar and the first note (d).
> Can this be improved so that the width of objects in the dynamic context
> control the spacing in the staff context?
> \version "2.19.15"
> \language "deutsch"
> global = { \time 3/4 }
> upper = \relative c' {
>     s2.
>     d4\p\( e \acciaccatura{g8} f4->\)
>     d4\( e \acciaccatura{g8} f4->\)
>     d4\ppp\>\( e \acciaccatura{g8} f4->\)
>     s2.\! s
> }
> dynamic = {
>   s2.
>   s2.\p
>   s2.\ppp\>
>   s2.\! s2.
> }
> lower = { s2. s s s }
> \new PianoStaff
> <<
>   \new Staff  = "Staff_pfUpper" << \global \upper  >>
>   \new Dynamics = "Dynamics_pf" << \global \dynamic >>
>   \new Staff = "Staff_pfLower"  << \global \lower >>
> >>

Greetings, Helge Kruse - This has been submitted as issue 4253 :
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