Grouping the key with the music is fine and gives no error (I’m using a Mac). 
That’s reasonable since the key may change at places within the music.


\version "2.19.15"

music = \relative c'' {
  \key c \major
  e2 g,
  \key e \minor
  e2 g,

\score  {

  \new Staff <<

  \layout {
    \context { \Voice \consists "Ambitus_engraver" }


> Le 13 janv. 2015 à 12:30, Villum Sejersen <> a écrit :
> Well, on my system your snippet as you have written it throws no error 
> whatsoever... The result is exactly as I believe is the one you expected.
> I rather suspect your way of organizing the lilypond file is creating the 
> error, or - perhaps more understandable - the fact that you are on a mac may 
> be the reason?
> My own system is a linux debian testing, vigorously updated.
> -- 
> yours,
> Villum Sejersen
> Nørregade  1 A
> DK-4500  Nykøbing Sjælland
> mobil   +45   30 34  03 44
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