I don’t understand two things about the following snippet:

\version "2.19.15"

    Aa = \relative c'' {\oneVoice r2. }
    Ab = \relative c'' {\oneVoice r2. }

\score {  
      \new Staff  <<
              \time 3/4
              \new Voice \Aa 
              \new Voice \Ab 
      \layout {}

}First, why does the r2. rest have a two augmentation dots?  Is there any way 
to fix that?

which produces:

Second, why does that snippet throw the following two warnings:

warning: cannot resolve rest collision: rest direction not set
warning: cannot resolve rest collision: rest direction not set
I see some information in the Notation Manual about Multimeasure Rest 
direction, but that’s not involved here.  There is, as best as I can determine, 
anything about simple rest collision/direction in any of the v2.19.15 
documentation set.  Furthermore, the lack of resolution of rest collision 
doesn’t seem to lead to any problems.
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