Am 12.02.2015 um 23:40 schrieb Kevin Barry:

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 10:32 PM, H. S. Teoh < <>> wrote:

    Why doesn't it work when I use \override instead of \tweak?

I think \override doesn't work because it gets between the note and \startTextSpan (which always has to follow a note). \tweak doesn't `break' that link, so to speak.
Using \displayScheme we can say more about this: an \override creates an element to sequentialMusic, which separates the post-event \startTextSpan from its note. \tweak is a music function, which in this case takes a post-event, modifies it and returns a post-event again. Concerning the hyphens: When I last tried to pack two tweaks into a variable, the hyphens seemed to be necessary in order for the second tweak to still belong into the variable definition, else it would have “hung around in mid-air”. Don’t know why this may work nevertheless.

Best regards, Simon

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