I have a follow-up question to my own example: It seems like LilyPond does
already keep the level of dynamics in a staff if they are connected via spanners
(\cresc \ff in my example).

Couldn’t that be extended, that there is some invisible connection? Because
sometimes you want a break in the dynamics line (imagine inside a piano staff
with some very low right hand notes and later some very high left hand notes).
That way you could still put the dynamics close to the staff but on the same
level if needed.

The \level command below does it, but it should not do a crescendo, but rather
some invisible spanner and I would like the command \= for it.

What do you think?

On the other hand: Can a dynamics context be broken and shifted vertically 


This example shows it:

\version "2.18.2"

% proposed command:
level = \tweak #'stencil #f \<

music = \relative c' { a\f b\p\< g d\! d'\cresc c e c f\ff }
level = \relative c' { a\f\level b\p\< g d\! d'\cresc c e c f\ff }
left =  { \clef bass a1 a a'4 }

\markup "Normal staff including the dynamics"
  \new Staff \music
  \new Staff \left

\markup { "Use" \typewriter "\level" "for the first" \dynamic f "(breaks the
dynamics where necessary)" }
  \new Staff \level
  \new Staff \left

\markup "Separate dynamics context from the same variable (pushes the staffs 
  \new Voice \with { \remove "Dynamic_engraver" } \music
  \new Dynamics \music
  \new Staff \left

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