Am 26.02.2015 um 09:07 schrieb Joe Lowry:

I'm a relatively inexperienced Lily Pond user, I need to have a page break
after the first page (first movement) of my piece (for duo percussion).  I
am using the \break command after the last note that I want on the first
page and I am properly getting a line break.  The problem is that I only
have two systems of music in the first page, and I need them to take up only
half the page so that I can insert text into the bottom part of the page.
Currently, Lily Pond's automatic spacing system is formatting the two
systems on my first page to take up the whole page.  Clearly, I need to
override the system spacing logic somehow, but I need to only do it for the
first page, which is in its own score block, without ruining the other pages
of the score.  I haven't yet found any particularly helpful documentation
online -- I'd love any ideas or code snippets I can get!


First: you can place your scores inside \bookpart {} sections, which will take care of the page breaks automatically. if your first score contains less than one page and the second one more than one page this should be all you need for your case (AFAICS).

Second: you can place \paper {} sections in each of the bookparts, affecting them individually.

Have a \paper {} section on the first page, containing one or more of

  ragged-bottom = ##t
  ragged-last-bottom = ##t

and experiment with these variables (##t/##f, present or not) until you get what you need for your given document. These and the other paper variables are documented here:


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