Both suggestions worked for me. I tend to put things in a separate file as
definitions/variables etc. I just like it clean to see what I am doing
(especially in large scores).



\version "2.18.2"

pos = \markup \concat {

\large \bold { "Un poco Pi" \char ##x00F9 " lento, " }

\tiny \raise #.415 \note #"4" #UP \smaller " = 66"


 \relative c {

 R1*1/2 \tweak extra-offset #'(5 . .5) \mark \markup \pos

c c c c c


% same idea

pod = \markup \concat {

\large \bold { "Un poco Pi" \char ##x00F9 " lento, " }

\tiny \raise #.415 \note #"4" #UP " = 66"


 \relative c {

 R1*1/2 <>^\markup \translate #'(-6 . 3) \pod

c c c c c


% also I can just use the variable if I want

pof = \markup \concat {

\large \bold { "Un poco Pi" \char ##x00F9 " lento, " }

\tiny \raise #.415 \note #"4" #UP " = 66"


 \relative c {


c c c c c



I also made it look a bit nicer.... well for me anyway :)

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