2015-02-27 17:15 GMT+01:00 Pierre Perol-Schneider
> Dear LilyPonders,
> I have a cueVoice which starts with a 'partial'.
> The best way I found to reach that is to replace the cue clef grob:
> {
>   \clef bass
>   \time 3/4
>   \compressFullBarRests
>   <<
>     { R2.*25 }
>     \new CueVoice \relative c''' {
>       s2.*23
>       \override Staff.MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #-4
>       \override Staff.Clef.font-size = #-2
>       \once\override Staff.Clef.stencil = #(lambda (grob)
>               ly:clef::print (grob-interpret-markup grob
>                                   #{
>                                     \markup\raise #1
>                                     \score {
>                                       { cis'''4^. }
>                                       \layout {
>                                         \context {
>                                           \Staff
>                                           \clef G
>                                           \omit TimeSignature
>                                           \omit StaffSymbol
>                                           fontSize = #-3.7
>                                         }
>                                       }
>                                     }
>                                   #}))
>       \clef G
>       d2.->
>       -\tweak extra-offset #'(-3.5 . 0)
>       ^\markup "Fl.Ob.Viol.I"
>       c2-> b4-.
>       \clef F
>     }
>   >>
>   a,2.
>   \revert Staff.Clef.font-size
>   \revert Staff.MultiMeasureRest.staff-position
> }
> Does anyone have a more elegant solution ?
> TIA,
> Pierre

Hi Pierre,

maybe the following, I'm not convinced either.

\version "2.19.15"

\new Staff {
  \clef bass
  \time 3/4
    { R2.*25 }
    \new CueVoice \relative c''' {
      %% The big drawback!
      %% 'X-offset needs to be set manually
      %% Is there a different possibility?
      \once \override Staff.MultiMeasureRest.X-offset = #1
      \bar ""
      \override Staff.Clef.font-size = #-2
      \override Staff.MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #-4
      \grace {
                \clef treble
                %% adds a little space, if needed
                %% make grace-notes the same size as the main notes in CueVoice
                %% not sure about the value, may need to be adjusted
                \set fontSize = #-1
                %% maybe needed:
                %\once \override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = -50
                %% let extend Stem to middle line, where needed
                \once \override Stem.no-stem-extend = ##f
                cis4^.^\markup \fontsize #-4 "Fl.Ob.Viol.I"
                \bar "|"
                %% back to the default fontSize for CueVoice
                \set fontSize = #-4
      %% maybe add the following; will not work above, though
      %\once \override Staff.MultiMeasureRest.spacing-pair =
      %#'(staff-bar . staff-bar)
      c2-> b4-.
      \clef F
  \revert Staff.Clef.font-size
  \revert Staff.MultiMeasureRest.staff-position


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