Hi Anders,

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 1:42 PM, <anders.vin...@bek.no> wrote:

> >>>>> "D" == David Nalesnik writes:
>     D> What you are suggesting seems to be analogous to what is already
>     D> done for the functions on the Scheme functions documentation page
>     D> I referenced earlier.
> Ah, but you've got all you need there already it seems.
> 'procedure-source will return the body of any defined function, then
> just grab the cadr of this to get the lambda-list:
> (define (get-proc-args proc)
>   (cons (procedure-name proc) (cadr (procedure-source proc))))
> (begin
>   (newline)
>   (display (get-proc-args get-chord-shape))
>   (newline)
>   (display (procedure-source get-proc-args)))
> will return :
> (get-chord-shape shape-code tuning base-chord-shapes)
> (lambda (proc) (cons (procedure-name proc) (cadr (procedure-source proc))))
I like the approach with the macro because then it is easy to mark certain
functions as receiving documentation.

The other alternative would be to provide a list of functions to document.

The first option is nice because we look in one place in the code to see
that it's a documented function, whereas in the second approach, there is
some list in some other file to consider.


Trying to experiment with the macros you provided earlier is giving me some

Within an LY file this works just fine:

\version "2.19.16"

#(use-modules (ice-9 syncase))
%#(use-syntax (ice-9 syncase))

#(define procargstable '())

#(let-syntax ((defineS
               (syntax-rules ()
                 ((defineS (proc . args) body)
                   (set! procargstable (cons '(proc args) procargstable))
                   (define (proc . args) body))))))
   (defineS (foo a b)
     (+ a b)))

#(format #t "table: ~a~%(foo 1 2) ==> ~a~%" procargstable (foo 1 2))

However, this does not work:

\version "2.19.16"

#(use-modules (ice-9 syncase))

#(define procargstable '())

#(define-syntax defineS
   (syntax-rules ()
     ((defineS (proc . args) body)
       (set! procargstable (cons '(proc args) procargstable))
       (define (proc . args) body)))))

I get the following output:

[...] error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here


(define-syntax defineS

Wrong type to apply: #<Music function #<procedure #f (parser location arg)>>

fatal error: failed files:

Exited with return code 1.

I am able to use the define-syntax form within scm/output-lib.scm, but I
get the same sort of error when the name of the new function conflicts with
a name already in use, as when I try to define the function 'bar' you
provided in your example.

I don't understand what is happening when I attempt to define the macro in
the LY file, though.


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