By the way, here's how I would do the red circled section in the Takemitsu

\version "2.18.2"

rha = \relative {
  s16 s8 s4 s8 g''''16[ bes,]\laissezVibrer

rhb = \relative {
  <b cis e>16[ <d ees aes>8]~ q4\laissezVibrer
  \ottava #1
  \omit TupletBracket
  \once \override Beam.positions = #'(-4 . -4)
  \tuplet 3/2 { a''16^\accent[ aes' e~ } <a, e' aes>8]

rhc = \relative {
  s16 s8 s4
  \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t
  a''8~ a

rhd = \relative {
  s16 s8 s4
  \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t
  \omit TupletNumber
  \tuplet 3/2 8 { s16 aes'''8~ } aes

\new Staff <<
  \new Voice \rha
  \new Voice \rhb
  \new Voice \rhc
  \new Voice \rhd

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Kevin Barry <> wrote:

> Hi Hu,
> I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do. Bar 27 of the
> Takemitsu doesn't include any cross staff stems and neither do any of the
> examples on the github page. Can you be more specific about what exactly
> you want?
> Kevin
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 11:45 PM, 良ϖ <> wrote:
>> ​Hi,
>> I've gone a bit farther in Rain Tree Sketch as said in a previous thread
>> but I've stumbled upon a Lilypond issue I'm unable to deal with. When one
>> types polyphonic music, one uses voices and Lilypond is clever enough to
>> avoid collision with objects. When one wants to depict a chord made with
>> two hands, one can use cross-staff stems with the corresponding engraver,
>> as documented in this snippet
>> <>
>> and the corresponding workaround
>> <>
>> .
>> The context is bar 27 of Rain Tree Sketch
>> <>.
>> It's pretty messy so I cleansed it and wrote minimal examples for this
>> issue. You can find the picture of what is to be get as well as these
>> examples here
>> <>
>> .
>> Actually that problem can be reduced: is there any way to get these two
>> items in the same time?
>>    - something that looks like cross-staff chord;
>>    - messy voices interleaving within two notes happen on the same beat.
>> I feel ill-at-ease because I don't see where I could have made a mistake.
>> Would this be a bug? Where could I feel a bug report if so?
>> In addition to that, who shall I send a mail to in order to get these two
>> snippets because merged into a single one? I think it may be more useful as
>> they are closely related. Anyway, this large collection of snippets rocks
>> :-)
>> 胡雨軒 Hu YuXuan
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