2015-03-12 20:35 GMT+01:00 Craig Dabelstein <craig.dabelst...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Lilyponders,
> Has anyone run into this before.
> When including a "Da Capo" markup at the end of a file, if it sits above
> the staff it is fine, but when I uncomment the "\tweak direction #DOWN"
> command it moves the marking below the staff but adds a heap of  extra
> space. Please see the attached file.
> This has been driving me crazy. I'm sure there is a simple fix that I've
> overlooked.
> Craig

It's caused by \markLengthOn in your global-variable: The spacing-wish of
RehearsalMark and Dynamic conflict.

How about:

daCapo = {
  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility =
  \tweak direction #DOWN
  \markup {
    %% maybe add:
    \fontsize #-2
    \italic "Da Capo"

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