On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 11:04:52AM -0400, Peter Teeson wrote:
> But I didn't see anything about being able to choose the MIDI channel
> for a specific instrument. All that it says is:
> "The MIDI output allocates a channel for each staff, and reserves channel 10 
> for drums. 
>  There are only 16 MIDI channels per device, so if the score contains
>  more than 15 staves, MIDI channels will be reused. "
> Perhaps my case is unusual - I am planning to use a hardware synth,
> Roland's Sound Canvas, rather than a software one.

Ah, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. I thought you wanted to assign
a specific instrument (program change) to the staff. I don't know of any
way of assigning the channel number, unfortunately. You might have to
use an external MIDI utility to make that change.


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