Hi Joram,

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 8:12 AM, Noeck <noeck.marb...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to shorten a hairpin like in this example:
> \relative c'' {
>   <b c>8\< q q q\!
> }
> The left end should start with the beam, the right end should stay the
> same. How can I do this?
I suppose a decent solution to this would involve writing the stencil
callback for Hairpin to allow displacement of the endpoints.  (Some
addition to the C++ code?)  Then it would straightforward to read the
coordinates of this or that related object, and adjust the hairpin's length

The following works, at least for your example.  It resets the parent of
the left bound of the Hairpin spanner to a Stem object.  You asked for the
beam, specifically, but I don't know that there would be any appreciable

I haven't tested this beyond your example, so I can't say what will happen
in a real-world example.  Anyway...

\version "2.19.17"

#(define (shorten-hairpin grob)
   (let ((rb (ly:spanner-bound grob LEFT)))
     (if (grob::has-interface rb 'note-column-interface)
         (let ((stem (ly:grob-object rb 'stem)))
           (if (ly:grob? stem)
               (ly:spanner-set-bound! grob LEFT stem))))
     ; return default for after-line-breaking

\relative c'' {
  \override Hairpin.after-line-breaking = #shorten-hairpin
  <b c>8\< q q q\!


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