
             I have reduced a multivoice structure that is part of a
composition to a simple five bar example of voice splitting.
I need 4 voices, and then I need one voice to split.

            Each bar shows a different behaviour depending on the first voice

       bar 1 -   seems ok
       bar 2 -  seems ok and NoteColumn.force-hshift   works in voicethree
       bar 3 -  a quarter note on beat 3 in voiceone causes a collision in
voicethree and NoteColumn.force-hshift doesn't work

       bar 4 - a simple white harmonic in voiceone creates the same
condition as bar 3
       bar 5 - use of = #'harmonic-black  in
voiceone  causes
                  notes in voicethree to change to black harmonics

        Obviously, voiceone is messing with the "new voice" in voice three.

        What is the correct way to do this in LilyPond??

     thanx - steve

\version "2.18.2"

H = \once \override = #'harmonic-black

voiceone = \relative c'' {
    \clef "G_8"
    \time 4/4
    \key g \major
    b4 b2 r4 |
    b4 b4 r r |
    b4 b b b |
    b4 b b\harmonic b |
    b4 b \H b b |

voicetwo = \relative c {
    \set harmonicDots = ##t
    e'8\rest d2..\harmonic |
    e8\rest d2..\harmonic |
    e8\rest d2..\harmonic |
    e8\rest d2..\harmonic |
    e8\rest d2..\harmonic |

voicethree = \relative c' {
        \new Voice  % needed or voiceone and three are fused
         s4 g4^~ g2 | s4 g4^~ g2 |
         s4 g4^~ g2 | s4 g4^~ g2 | s4 g4^~ g2 |
   %    \\
        \new Voice
         g4\rest g4 fis2 |
         g4\rest g4
         \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #2.0      % to prove it works
         fis2 |
         g4\rest g4
         \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #2.0       %  doesn't work 
         fis2 |
         g4\rest g4 fis2 |
         g4\rest g4 fis2 |

voicefour = \relative c {
    c1 | c1 | c1 | c1 | c1

 guitar = << \voiceone \\ \voicetwo \\ \voicethree \\ \voicefour >>

#(set-global-staff-size 19)

\score { \new Staff \guitar }

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