2015-03-24 17:06 GMT+01:00 Mark Knoop <m...@opus11.net>:
> At 15:43 on 24 Mar 2015, Kevin Barry wrote:
>>On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Mark Knoop <m...@opus11.net> wrote:
>>> { \time 2/4 c'4 c'1 c'4 } % 3 bars, 2nd of which is empty
>>> { \time 2/4 c'4 c'2 c'4 } % 2 bars, neither of which is empty
>>At best I would consider these to be non-standard notation. At worst
>>I'd say it's incorrect. It's possible to write a note value longer
>>than a bar, but I don't think there is an accepted standard for
>>notating that, except for connecting smaller note values with ties.
>>And as I said before I have never seen it in a score (do you have any
> I agree these are contrived examples and am not claiming them to be
> standard notation. However tuplets spanning barlines are common in
> contemporary music and that is the context where this bug appears.
>>> skipBars is introduced in the Learning Manual (3.4.5 Scores and
>>> parts) as a way of condensing multi-measure rests. Its only
>>> references in the Manuals are regarding this function. I suspect its
>>> impact on notes crossing barlines is either unintended or at least
>>> not thought through
>>It's just used there as an example of a context property.
> Um, no: "When printing the part, multi-rests must be condensed. This is
> done by setting a run-time variable \set Score.skipBars = ##t"
> It is in Notation Reference 5.3.2 that it's used as an example of a
> context property, although still with reference to its use for
> combining multimeasure rests.
>>I agree that its behaviour for notes rather than rests might not be
>>thought through (but it /is/ mentioned in the IR so it may not be
>>unintended). Normally full-bar rests are condensed with
>>\compressFullBarRests (which probably just sets skipBars to #t, but I
>>didn't check).
> Yes, it's just a shortcut:
> ly/property-init.ly:156:compressFullBarRests = \set Score.skipBars = ##t
>>I can't imagine a situation where the current behaviour would be
>>> desirable (silently hiding a barline thus changing the length of a
>>> bar) and it would certainly seem to be a very different use case than
>>> condensing multi-measure rests.
>>I think the default behaviour (without touching skipBars) is ok, and
>>agree that there's no apparent need for it to affect notes (the
>>possible scenario with long notes and short empty bars seems
>>implausible). So perhaps skipBars could be changed to only affect
>>rests, or at the very least a different context property could be used
>>as an example in the learning manual (or both).
>>I verified that \compressFullBarRests does indeed affect notes as
>>well, so if you want to file a bug report then perhaps proceed on that
> cced to bug-lilypond
> --
> Mark Knoop
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I disagree.
\set Score.skipBars = ##t _is_ intended to affect notes _and_ useful!
Don't limit your thoughts to modern music.

Below I retyped (quick'n dirty) the last bar from Missa Papae
Marcelli, Sanctus by Palestrina taken from an edition which tries
transforming the original in sort of modern notation.

\version "2.19.17"

\paper {
    indent = 8
    line-width = 60

\header {
    title = "Missa Papae Marcelli"
    subtitle = "Sanctus, last bar"
    subsubtitle =
    \markup \center-column {
        "modern transcription by Breitkopf & Härtel, Wiesbaden"
    composer = "Palestrina"

lyr =
\lyricmode {
    \set stanza =
      \markup \with-dimensions #'(0 . 1) #'(0 . 0)\normal-text "ex - cel -"

sop = {
    \time 2/2
    \key bes \major
    s1 bes'\longa
    \undo \hide Staff.BarLine
alt = {
    \key f' \major
    s1 f'\longa
    \undo \hide Staff.BarLine
tenI = {
    \clef "G_8"
    \key bes \major
    s1 bes\longa
    \undo \hide Staff.BarLine
tenII = {
    \clef "G_8"
    \key bes \major
    s1 d'\longa
    \undo \hide Staff.BarLine
bassI = {
    \clef bass
    \key bes \major
    s1 bes,\longa
    \undo \hide Staff.BarLine
bassII= {
    \clef bass
    \key bes \major
    s1 f\longa
    \undo \hide Staff.BarLine
    \bar "|."

\layout {
    \hide Staff.BarLine

\new StaffGroup <<
  \new Staff \new Voice = "sop" \sop
  \new Lyrics \lyr
  \new Staff \new Voice = "alt" \alt
  \new Lyrics \lyr
  \new Staff \new Voice = "tenI" \tenI
  \new Lyrics \lyr
  \new Staff \new Voice = "tenII" \tenII
  \new Lyrics \lyr
  \new Staff \new Voice = "bassI" \bassI
  \new Lyrics \lyr
  \new Staff \new Voice = "bassII" \bassII
  \new Lyrics \lyr

PNG attached.
Commenting \compressFullBarRests in \layout would return strange output.

Though I see the nuisance for other usages. Maybe it would be best to
have the possibility to turn off notes from being affected.

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