you can specify a placement for the rest by indicating a note\rest. in this
case i used g8\rest

hope that helps


\include ""

pianoVoiceOne = \relative c' { <fs b d>2 <f c'> }

pianoVoiceTwo = \relative c' { s1 }

pianoVoiceThree = \relative c' { \stemDown g8\rest a fs [ d ] \stemUp b gs

gs>4 }

pianoVoiceFour = \relative c, { \stemDown b2 e }


\new PianoStaff <<

\new Staff = "upper" <<

\new Voice = "first" \pianoVoiceOne

\new Voice = "second" \pianoVoiceTwo


\new Staff = "lower" <<

\clef bass

\new Voice = "third" \pianoVoiceThree

\new Voice = "fourth" \pianoVoiceFour




\layout { }
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