
Along with Feature Freeze [1], Thursday sees Linaro's Board Support Review
deadline. This deadline marks the start of the process to define exactly
what hardware will be enabled in the final Linaro Evaluation Builds 
released at the end of the cycle [2]. This review is to ensure that the
target hardware support is progressing as expected and that the final
user experience will shine on these boards.

For more information on the Board Support Review deadline please see the
Linaro wiki at:


There will be another review on 2011-03-24 where the list will be
refined if necessary.

A list of boards that Linaro expects to enable this cycle will be
circulated after the review.

Linaro Release Manager    |  Platform Project Manager
Office: +44 1761 348 220  |  Mobile: +44 7962 259 437

[1] http://lists.linaro.org/pipermail/linaro-dev/2011-February/002702.html
[2] https://wiki.linaro.org/Releases/1105

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