
As we near final release it is even more important that bugs which
effect the LEB's and other images are caught early and fixed as soon as
possible. To help aid the Linaro Release Team [1] in identifying and
dealing with these types of bugs the following procedure significantly
helps on projects which produce, or are installed on the images:

  1) All bugs in a 'New' state should be sufficiently triaged to
     determine their 'Importance'.
  2) All bugs which are deemed 'High' or 'Critical' should be
     highlighted to the Release Team. To do this use the 'Subscribe
     someone else' link on the right hand side of the bug. When the
     pop-up appears type 'linaro-release' into the box and select the
     release team when it is found.
  3) If the bug needs discussion please add it to the wiki page for the
     current weeks Release meeting. The calendar for the Release
     meeting can be found at:


     Meetings are currently on a Thursday so add the bug to the 'Bugs'
     section of the next meeting. If possible please attend the meeting. 

The Release Team will go through the list of bugs [2] regularly and help
to get fixes in place ready for milestone releases [3]. This information
can also be found on the wiki at:


Linaro Release Manager   |   Platform Project Manager

[1] https://launchpad.net/~linaro-release
[2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/~linaro-release
[3] https://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1105#Milestones

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