On 20 May 2011 15:38, Guilherme Salgado <guilherme.salg...@linaro.org> wrote:
> During LDS we agreed to provide prebuilt Linaro images at our
> milestones[1], for users who can't/won't run linaro-media-create. One
> thing we forgot to discuss, though, is if it's worth doing so for all
> image types or just for the LEB(s).
> Our downloads page (http://www.linaro.org/downloads/) has 4 different
> image types, but the email for weekly testing, for example, lists only
> UbuntuDesktop as official and the others as community images. More
> importantly, though, I'm not sure the people who just want to try Linaro
> quickly will be interested in anything other than UbuntuDesktop at this
> point, so we might as well avoid the extra work to provide images that
> are unlikely to be of any use.
> Can anybody think of other reasons why we should provide images of all
> types?

The short answer is "if we care enough to release it we should care
enough to release it in a format that people can easily use". If there
are too many image types then we should cut down on the number so we're
producing fewer artefacts of all types.

At a bare minimum, prebuilt SD card images should come in a "general
desktop" and the "nano" small size version. But those are just my two
use cases (one for functionality and one for small download and disk
size); it seems likely that some of the people who would be interested
in the other image types will have all the constraints we discussed at
UDS that make linaro-media-create not a usable solution for them.

We're only doing this once a month, we should just produce images
for everything rather than trying to second guess which we can get
away with not generating.

-- PMM

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