Enclosed you'll find a link to the agenda, notes and actions from the
Linaro Developer Platforms Weekly Status meeting held on May 25th
in #linaro-meeting on irc.freenode.net at 15:00 UTC.


New Actions:
* hrw and rsalveti to discuss with michaelh1 about a possible merge of BPs
* wookey to start a discussion at linaro-dev m-l about the image
generation topic (technical aspect of it)
* wookey create the ubuntu application wiki, requesting sponsorship
from other ubuntu core devs
* rsalveti start a discussion to see if we can move the meeting to
another time/day to avoid conflict with the arm porting queue effort
* jcrigby to add a release plan for u-boot into the u-boot BP (or
creating a new one for it)

Developer Platforms Team

"We want great men who, when fortune frowns will not be discouraged."
- Colonel Henry Knox
w) tom.gall att linaro.org
w) tom_gall att vnet.ibm.com
h) tom_gall att mac.com
IRC) Dr_Who, tgall_foo

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