Hello James,

On Sat, 06 Aug 2011 07:56:17 +0100
James Westby <james.wes...@canonical.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 5 Aug 2011 15:57:59 +0100, Paul Sokolovsky
> <paul.sokolov...@linaro.org> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Following today's work session preparing to switching Gerrit,
> > everything is ready for the cutover now:
> > 
> > First build from Gerrit repositories is finished successfully:
> > https://android-build.linaro.org/jenkins/job/pfalcon_beagle-gerrit/4
> > 
> > Gerrit Web UI is migrated to the final location:
> > http://review.android.git.linaro.org/
> > 
> > Gitweb is installed at
> > http://android.git.linaro.org/gitweb
> > 
> > Anon git access to repositories in Gerrit available via
> > git://android.git.linaro.org/...
> > 
> > 
> > It's too late to do the cutover now of course, so I'd like to
> > propose to do it on Wed 10th to be sure that all folks are ba
> > from the Connect and final bits are settled.
> Hi,
> This sounds fine to me. Do you anticipate that this step will require
> any coordination with IS?

Setting old tree at git.linaro.org to r/o may require their help. It
depends on specific permissions set in FS, which may be inconsistent.
And I wonder if it makes sense to not just set it r/o, but also rename,
say set prefix to android-old/ instead of android/, to make sure people
don't use old tree. But that again leads to a question of what to do
with our older releases which still point to it.

> Thanks,
> James

Best Regards,

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